Monday 28 November 2011

Environment and Colour Key Concept Art

Again playing with different brushes and looking at a bit more abstract artists I tried to find a final design to what the creature's pond would look like, as the environment plays such a huge role in the film I have to get it right. Since I have almost no experience in environment design I am aware that my colour and depth isn't quite right yet.  However medium wise I am reasonable sure I will be creating my environments in Photoshop, but adding some textures I feel looks best, abstract or detailed.



With meeting with James he preferred the more abstract ones but pointed out my colour depth isn't right yet and suggested I look at Pascal Campion's illustrations, his simplicity and amazing use of colour I will take on board but I feel I do need more layers and the film wouldn't work if it was too simplistic.
Pascal Campion- Sound of Silence

Caroline did not like the Mary Blair look of some of my concept and suggested I look at giving some of my trees/forest and urban texture to create something new, instead of just putting a tree texture on trees but something that works but what you wouldn't expect.

Matt liked my first concept art from a few posts ago, I said it was more that kind of environment he had in mind when I explained my story and saw my character.

All tutors had very different opinions... so I'm still a little lost but the only why I'll truly know is when I do a final scene test and put my moving character in with her environment.

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