Sunday 22 January 2012

Feedback Of Animatic

When presenting my animatic on Monday I got a variety of feedback. 

  • Caroline and James suggested that it needed a metaphor alongside the creature's journey to show her growth, such as tadpols turning into frogs etc.  I wasn't sure where I would be able to fit this in and since it's added in last minute it might seemed like it's added in at the end... which it is and wouldn't flow with the film.
  • The music got a lot of bad critisim, I was expecting it thought as with my composer Jason Savory, I had not had a chance to meet him in person so he just produced something rough using my copyrighted piece as influence.  I have met with him since and given him a much better idea on what the music will sound like.
  • The dragonfly got quite possitive feedback.  The first and fourth wing tests were the most popular and the first and second movement tests also got the most votes.
  • Also with the dragonfly people suggested that it must glow and almost sparkle to make it more special for the audience, as although the creature has never seen a dragonfly before, the audience must believe that this dragonfly is unique and must see it as the creature sees it.
  • When seeing Matthew Gravelle he said that the end didn't have as much impact as there's no point in the film where it shows the creature is attatched to her pond and therefore her leaving it doesn't seem as much of an impact. 
  • When discussing this with friends they suggested that the storm would effectivly damage her pond and that it would be a good scene just to briefly show her cleaning up, this would show that she cares for the pond and hopefully the end would be more powerful.

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